
To be successful in anything, you never stop learning, and property investing is the same. Start now by making a FREE No Obligation Appointment.

Review your Financial Position

Being successful in property investing is based on establishing your ideal financial destination. This can not be achieved without a full review of where you are today on your financial roadmap. One of our finance strategists will work closely with you to help review your personalised circumstances

Create your Strategy

A goal without a strategy won’t get you anywhere so our finance & property strategists will work together and use their experience and knowledge to set a strategy for you that will ensure your end goal is reached. Depending on your personal circumstances, you may also need Accounting, Legal or Financial Planning advice. Galaxy can co-ordinate all of this for you as part of that overall personalised financial strategy.


Choosing the right property to invest in is both complicated and time-consuming. Allow us to take to this pressure off you and ensure that you start your investment journey on the right track. We only recommend properties that have met our 10 point checklist, and we only suggest areas that our Directors and staff are investing their own money.


By growing and diversifying your property portfolio, we will guide you to financial freedom faster. While property is always going to be a long term investment, our goal is to ensure we are investing in the areas that are ready for growth allowing you to expand your portfolio with us

Financial Freedom

Your strategy will provide you with a clear exit plan and this is now where you realise your end goal.

Our aim is to help you achieve your goals faster so you can live the life you have always dreamed of instead of working for the rest of your life.

Galaxy Property Enquiry